If you would like to see the same blog in Korean, please visit www.koreanpsbs.blogspot.com. In French, www.frenchpsbs.blogspot.com. In Spanish, www.spanishpsbs.blogspot.com. Thank you!

Monday, October 14, 2013

Here is a snippet of the documentary if you are interested in purchasing.
This clip does not show up on mobile devices; however, if you are interested in watching it, then you can use this link! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LBFH_P9PpiI&feature=youtu.be

Monday, October 7, 2013

Geographical Hot Spots

Here are two different sets of data that represent the geographical hot spots of Shaken Baby Syndrome in the United States.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Neck support

1. Long drives are extremely dangerous for babies
2. The baby's head repeatedly hits the seat due to the bumpy roads.
3. Repeated hits can lead to brain injuries.
4. Support of the baby's neck and head with a cushion is necessary.

This "elephant ears" neck cushion was specifically made to prevent Shaken Baby Syndrome. It supports the neck while the baby is in a car seat, stroller, or bouncer. 

1. Print out two copies of this shape.
2. Cut it out on pieces of cloth.
3. Sew the two pieces of cloth together but leave some space so that you can stuff it.
4. Stuff the cushion.
5. Sew completely.

This "elephant ears" neck cushion was specifically made to prevent Shaken Baby Syndrome. It supports the neck while the baby is in a car seat, stroller, or bouncer.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Crying Curve of Children

Recent studies show a common curve of crying among children! It shows that most babies are fussiest around 6 weeks and then begin calmer after.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Help Services

If the stress of having a child becomes overwhelming and you feel as if you're on the edge of committing violent acts toward a baby, please call for help immediately.
In the U.S: 
24-hour Parent Helpline: 1-888-435-7553
Crying Baby Hotline: 1-866-243-2229
Fussy Baby Warmline: 1-888-431-BABY

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Founding of Shaken Baby Syndrome

An American radiologist, John Caffey, coined the name whiplash shaken infant syndrome in 1974. It was, however, a British neurosurgeon, Guthkelch who first described shaking as the cause of subdural haemorrhage in infants. Impact was later thought to play a major part in the causation of brain damage. Recently improved neuropathology and imaging techniques have established the cause of brain injury as hypoxic ischaemic encephalopathy. Diffusion weighted magnetic resonance imaging is the most sensitive and specific method of confirming a shaking injury. Families of children with subdural haemorrhages should be thoroughly investigated by social welfare agencies.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Parenting Help

  • Tips
If pushed to your limit focus on calming yourself. Put baby in a crib on her back, make sure she is safe, and then walk away; call a friend, relative, neighbor, or parent helpline for support. Check on her every 5 to 10 minutes.
Tell everyone who cares for your baby about the dangers of shaking and what to do if they become frustrated or upset, for example, if baby cries inconsolably.
See a health care professional if you have anger management problems or behavioral concerns.
Offer support to new parents in your family and community by offering to give them a break, sharing a parent helpline number, or simply being a friend.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Documentary Sneak Peek

This link will bring you to the actual documentary that I am currently selling.
If you would like to purchase a copy with subtitles and voiceovers (English, Korean, French, or Spanish), please contact me at preventsbs@gmail.com.
Thank you so much!
Shaken Baby Syndrome Documentary